Greg's Notes

How to Go to Church

Jesus only started one organization when He walked this planet, and it’s called the church. Of the church He said, “the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Jesus loves the church. And He shows up every time we gather together as a body of believers in His name. Of course, every church is flawed because people are involved in it, but this is God’s family and we need to be an active part of it. Although it may be dysfunctional, it’s still the best family going, and God wants us all in it.

Practical Principles

  1. The church is for every Christian and every Christian should be in church. We should be in church on a regular basis. Not sporadically. If you are able-bodied and can get to church, then you should be in church, not just for yourself, but for your children—laying a foundation for them.
  2. Church is not just a place to attend, but to participate. We are commanded by God to be a part of it. We should be participating, not merely spectating. You become a part of God’s family by getting plugged into it.
  3. The church is here to glorify God, to edify each other, and to evangelize the world. We are to exalt God, to build each other up, and to take His message into all the world. That’s why the church is here. There’s a growing trend of people attending church less and not more. But there are spiritual and physical benefits to being in church regularly.
  4. The church is a place where we find the spiritual perspective that we need. When you isolate from other believers you lose perspective. Asaph was grappling with the age-old question “Why do the wicked prosper?” He got perspective while he worshipped with God’s people in God’s house. He said, “When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny” (Psalm 73:16–17 niv).

Relevant Reminders

  • The Acts 2 church changed the world because they were a W.E.L.L. church. They worshipped, they evangelized, they learned, and they loved.
  • If you want to grow spiritually, church should be a regular part of your life.

Applicable Actions

The church plays an important role in our society; it provides comfort when we lose a loved one, support when we’re having problems, direction for our lives. It’s where musical abilities are developed, where you find your gifts, or where some may have even found their mate. It’s where we receive untold spiritual benefits, and sometimes even physical benefits. Many people came to faith in Jesus Christ at church. It’s at church where we encounter God.