Greg's Blog

Help People Choose Life!

by Greg Laurie on Dec 10, 2019

I would rather attempt massive things for God and fall short, than to sit around and not try anything at all.

I say that because I have an ambitious goal in mind for next year: I want to help 100,000 people accept Jesus as their Savior before 2021!

Each one of them has a real story with real hurts and needs, and they are trying to cope on their own. God sees each one of them and is able to meet them right where they are. He can change hearts, break addictions, heal marriages, give hope, and answer prayers.

Look at these testimonies of changed lives from this year’s SoCal Harvest:

“16 years ago I walked down to that field, and have walked with Jesus ever since. Tonight my 14-year-old son walked down and made a profession of faith! God is good!🙏🏼”

“Tonight God answered my prayers! After almost 18 years of marriage my husband walked the field! Tonight is his birthday! 🙌 Hallelujah!!!!”

“Last night, at Harvest, my 6-year-old son Maximo accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Praise to God for His Love and Grace. Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience to follow Jesus with the Harvest ministry.”

I want to add 100,000 more testimonies to these ones in the coming year, and I certainly need your help to make it happen.

Will you give a generous year-end gift to Harvest Ministries today so that we can extend our reach and proclaim the gospel to more people in 2020?

Help reach 100,000 people!

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Former cold-case detective Jim Wallace recounts the real-life details of some of his most extraordinary cases, gleaning insights about human behavior and biblical truth. See what investigating death teaches us about the meaning of life in this unique page-turner. A copy will be sent to you for a gift of any amount to Harvest Ministries this month.

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