Greg's Blog

The Perfect Imperfect (by Cathe Laurie)

by Cathe Laurie on Oct 9, 2024

“Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it” (Psalm 139:4–6 ESV).

A Perfect Quiet Time

The sun rises on the horizon, painting gorgeous hues of pink and orange across the morning sky. Your coffee is fresh and hot, sitting beside you in your favorite mug. You have your Bible open, and God is speaking to you, opening your eyes to Scripture in a way you’ve never seen it before. Worship music plays quietly in the background. A candle burns beside you, the flame crackling in a beautiful ambiance. Your pen races words across your journal as you study the Word and pray through each detail that’s been on your mind.

A perfect quiet time. . . and one that never (or at least very rarely) happens.

In Virtue, we’ve been talking a lot about spiritual disciplines. The daily pattern and habit of spending time in the Word and talking to the Lord, building a deep connection with Him.

It’s great to imagine the example above: the perfect quiet time, the house all to ourselves. All the time we could ever want, with no schedule in place. A beautiful morning where everything falls into place like it was written into a movie.

The Most Important Step Toward Spiritual Discipline

We might throw ourselves into creating this perfect image in order to feel like we’re doing it right. But I would argue that perhaps the most important step toward committed spiritual discipline is throwing your idea of a perfect quiet time out the window!

The reality is that most of us are “busy,” whether we are grown women, young adults working or going to school, moms of little ones, or anything in between. No matter where you are in life, odds are that your schedule won’t be clear. Your space won’t be quiet. Your coffee won’t be hot. And I’m sorry, but the sun won’t perfectly rise each morning.

At the end of the day, the important part is that you are spending time with the Lord! It’s time we dropped all our “shoulds” at the foot of the cross, where they belong.

Forget the “perfect” morning. Yes, sometimes it happens. But if that is what we put our hope in, we miss the whole point!

The Holy Spirit doesn’t only exist when the candles are lit and the house is quiet. He is always with you—in the carpool line, in the waiting room, while your child’s bathtub is filling.

Yes, you may need to change up your routine to make quiet time. You may need to think creatively to use time you didn’t think you had. But make sure that, first and foremost, you shift your focus from yourself and your time constraints to the Lord Himself.

Commiting to the Lord

As you commit to the Lord, He will commit to you. The power to change is the work of the Holy Spirit in us as we cooperate with Him! The beautiful part of our time with Him is merely that: that it’s spent with Him.

So yes. . . your coffee may be cold. You may not have your full allotted 30 minutes. You might find time in the carpool lane instead of first thing in the morning.

But if you are present—if you are seeking Him out through prayer and the Word—the Lord will meet you where you’re at. There is beauty in the imperfection, and He is waiting for you in it.

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Cathe Laurie is the founder and director of the Virtue women’s ministry. She is also a featured speaker on The Virtue Podcast, at Harvest events, and the author of As I See It. You can find her weekly articles here on

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