Are people basically good? You might be surprised from what I’ll tell you. The answer is yes and no. I mean, there are good people—in comparison to many other people. There are people that do good things that are good neighbors and they’re good citizens and they’re kind and they’re considerate. In fact, I’ve met some nonbelievers that are nicer than some Christians. But niceness is not what gets us to Heaven. The fact of that matter is that everyone—good or bad—needs Jesus.
Practical Principles
- Salvation is not earned, but it’s given to us as a gift from God. I stand right before the Lord, not because of what I’ve done, but solely because of what He has done.
- This salvation that God has given us is given because God loves us. We don’t gain salvation because we merit or deserve it, but because God loves us. God takes no delight in the death of the wicked, but wants all to come to repentance because of His great love for them.
- There is no excuse for living in rebellion against the God who loves you. All around us is the evidence of God. Not only in our lives but all through creation you can see God’s hand at work.
- When you’re out of fellowship with God, you have conflict with other people too. Rebellion against God leads to sin against man.
- When you reject God, ruin follows. There is no other outcome that we can expect.
- When you reject God, you lose perspective in the way that you think and live. “Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools” (Romans 1:22).
- God will not force you to believe, but rather will let you go your own way. God gives us the free will to decide for ourselves whether or not to reject His offer of salvation.
Relevant Reminders
- The Bible does not say that the just shall live by feelings, because our feelings can really mislead us.
- One of the best definitions of being a Christian is long obedience in the same direction—just putting one foot in front of the other and walking with the Lord each and every day.
- I have found that the people that talk the most about tolerance can often be some of the most intolerant people I’ve ever met.
 Applicable Actions
Bottom line: Everybody needs Jesus. The immoral person needs Jesus. The moral person needs Jesus. Men need Jesus and women need Jesus. We can’t be ashamed of the gospel and we can’t withhold it from the people around us who need to hear about Him.