Greg's Notes

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

There are many types of power that we are drawn to, whether it be horsepower, processor power, or just physical strength. Let me tell you that there is power in the message of the gospel. The Bible says that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, so we should not be ashamed of it.

Practical Principles

  1. If you want to be a Jesus revolution Christian, you should be known for your faith. If you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?
  2. If you want to be a Jesus revolution Christian, you need to be using your spiritual gifts. The gifts of the Spirit that God wants to give are not toys to play with. They are tools to build with, and they’re weapons to fight with.
  3. A Jesus revolution Christian is a fruitful Christian. A change in your behavior and character is fruit. Offering your praise and worship to God is a form of spiritual fruit. Giving your finances to the work of God is a form of fruit.
  4. Jesus revolution Christians are people who preach the gospel. Take advantage of the opportunities that God presents to tell other people about Him.

Relevant Reminders

  • Our nation is divided, but the solution is not political; it is spiritual.
  • Only God can take a Saul of Tarsus, the Christian killer, and turn him into the great apostle Paul. He can change people drastically by the power of the gospel.
  • Romans is the most basic comprehensive statement of what the gospel is in all of the Bible.
  • Satan opposes the gospel. He does not want you to share your faith, and he will do everything he can to keep you from doing it.

Applicable Actions

If you discovered the cure for cancer, would you want to share that cure with anybody else? I think you would. We have something more powerful than even a cure for cancer, as wonderful as that would be, because you could be cured of cancer but you’re still going to die. The gospel is the message that says you don’t ever have to die. You can live eternally. Don’t be ashamed of the gospel!