Harvest Blog

A Family That Serves Together

by Teri Ann Moyer on Aug 30, 2015


Lori and her entire family are all serving at the crusade in one way, shape, or form.

Lori’s daughter, Krysta (18), is part of the Harvest Orange County SWAT (Students with a Testimony) team. They’ve been handing out Harvest Crusade invitations at various public venues for the past month or so.

Lori’s son, Wayde (14), and youngest daughter, Kyra (11), are greeters at the crusade. Today they’re greeting visitors and handing out Harvest Crusade programs at Gate 1. Lori and her husband, David, both serve as Harvest Crusade follow-up counselors.

Lori said, “We all truly understand the value of every aspect of this ministry, being able to experience it from so many different perspectives that we get to share with each other. Everyone has a different story when we gather together and we are always in awe of what God does, and that He lets us be a part of it—separate and yet together!”

How amazing is our God that He uses entire families for His glory?

Pray that families would be touched with the message of the gospel given by Pastor Greg Laurie at this, the 2015 SoCal Harvest.

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