
The Best Is Yet to Come

by Greg Laurie on Jun 21, 2018
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

C.S. Lewis said, “People get from books the idea that if you have married the right person you may expect to go on ‘being in love’ forever. As a result, when they find they are not, they think this proves they have made a mistake . . . not realizing . . . the glamour will presently go out of the new love just as it went out of the old one.”

Romance and attraction are the initial thrill in a marriage, like the ignition of a car. They fire up the engine. Then the engine needs to run. You need to maintain that engine and keep going in the same direction, doing what God has called you to. You will find that whatever problems you have in your marriage, you can get through them. There are exceptions. But for the most part, you can work through your difficulties.

A study was done of married couples who had serious conflicts but decided to stay together. It revealed that two-thirds of unhappily married spouses who stayed married reported their marriages were happy five years later. They simply hung in there.

It proves what the Bible has said all along. So let’s do it God’s way. Make your marriage your most important relationship. Put the needs of your spouse above your own. Choose selflessness instead of selfishness. Keep sex for you and your spouse only. Do everything you can to cultivate and weed the garden of your marriage. Then watch what God will do.

Whatever state your marriage is in, hang in there. The best is yet to come. Don’t give up. Don’t abandon your marriage.

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