
In the Father’s House

by Greg Laurie on May 21, 2018
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it."

There are two ways we can live our lives: We can live the right way or the wrong way. There are two roads we can take in life: We can take the narrow road that leads to life, or we can get on the broad road that leads to destruction. There are two foundations we can build our lives on: We can build on solid rock, or we can build on shifting sand.

Ultimately, we can live the happy and holy way or the miserable and unholy way.

Many unbelievers have the wrong concept of what it means to be a Christian. Their concept of being a Christian is this: (1) You are lame, (2) you never have any fun, and (3) you are boring—nothing is ever going on.

Jesus told a story about a boy who ran away from home. He had grown tired of living with his dad and thought all the fun was to be had outside of his home. So he left. In reality, what was he looking for? It appears from the story that he wanted nice clothes. He wanted great food. He wanted parties. So he went away, spent all his money, and came back empty-handed and miserable.

Yet the first thing his father did was give him some nice clothes. The next thing his father did was give the order for some great food. He said, “Kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found” (Luke 15:23–24 NLT). Everything the boy was searching for was in his father’s house all along.

In the same way, everything we’re looking for can be found in a relationship with God.

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