
In His Time

by Greg Laurie on May 8, 2018
He has made everything beautiful in its time.

By nature I’m an impatient person. I am always ready to go. When a pizza is delivered, I don’t want to wait for it to cool down. Microwave ovens seem slow to me now, although we went for years without them.

In the same way, a lot of us grow impatient with God. The Bible says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NKJV). If we rush things, we can ruin them. We can destroy what God is doing.

Someone might say, “Lord, I want to be used by You. When are You going to open the door of ministry for me?” Someone else might say, “When am I going to get married?”

Or, we may see someone getting away with a sin. We know what they’re doing is wrong. We say, “Lord, how long are You going to let them get away with that?”

We can look at the state our world is in right now and say, “Lord, when are You going to come back and establish Your kingdom?”

We have to wait. The Lord is saying, “I will do this for you in My time.”

We can grow impatient with God, and in our impatience we can sometimes foolishly take things into our own hands and make them far worse. If you don’t believe that, just read the story of Jacob. If things didn’t go his way, he offered God a little assistance. The Lord wanted to bless him and give him a birthright. But through conniving, he made a mess out of his life, and he came to regret what he had done.

We need to wait upon the Lord. His timing is just as important as His will. He doesn’t ask for us to understand. He just asks for us to trust.

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