
A Testimony Worth Sharing

by Greg Laurie on Sep 22, 2017
"One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see."

Years ago I knew someone who hadn’t lived all that wickedly, but she would hear the remarkable testimonies of other believers who had all of kinds of problems and issues and then had come to Christ. She said to me, “I need a more dramatic testimony. I’m going to go back out into the world again and do some of those things so I have a better testimony.”

She never came back.

Sometimes we hear the testimonies of Christians who came from a radical background, and we think, “Now, that is a testimony! I wish I had a story like that.” Maybe they were drug addicts or alcoholics or gang members or people of certain notoriety. But they came to faith in Christ and their lives literally changed overnight.

Someone may think, “My story is kind of boring. I have a wimpy testimony. I became a Christian when I was seven years old in Sunday school, when my teacher told me that Jesus loved me. That isn’t a very good testimony.”

You might feel the same way. Maybe you’ve thought, “I don’t know that God has done all that much for me.”

But we need to keep one simple thing in mind: We all essentially have the same testimony. We all were sinners separated from God. One day we realized that we needed the Savior. We turned from our sin, put our faith in Him, and were reconciled to God through what Jesus did for us at the cross. We were going to Hell, and now we are going to Heaven. That is our testimony.

We all have different temperaments and come to faith in different ways. Some have great emotional experiences when they come to Christ. Others feel absolutely nothing. But everyone has a testimony that is worth sharing.

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