
What Story Is Your Life Telling?

by Greg Laurie on Jun 28, 2017
No one can live forever; all will die. No one can escape the power of the grave.

The October 1992 cover of LIFE magazine posed this question: “Can We Stop Aging?” According to the article inside, scientists suggest that we can and will. But the article raised another question: Would we really want to stop aging? In other words, do we really want to live forever?

Our answer depends on what kind of lives we are living. What story is your life telling? My story is a simple one: God can take a mess of a life with the deck stacked against it and redeem it. That is my story. We all have one to tell. And we all need to take stock of our lives and ask ourselves, “What is my life all about? What is the legacy I will leave? How will I be remembered?”

This is important to think about as we’re getting older. But it’s also important to think about when we’re young. In our youth, we chart the course that our lives will take. We develop habits, develop direction, and make decisions like the career path we will follow and the person we will marry. It’s a critical time to make the right decisions, because when we get older, we become set in our ways. That is not a bad thing, necessarily. If we establish good habits like regular Bible study, prayer, and being a disciplined part of the church, we will follow those as well.

It comes down to this: We will decide the evening of our life by the morning of it. We will decide the end by the beginning. The stand we make today will determine what stand we make tomorrow.

Medical science can seek to add years to your life, but only God can add life to your years and give you a life that is worth living.

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