
An Ongoing Conversation

by Greg Laurie on Feb 10, 2016
So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

Did you know it’s possible to pray the most beautiful, eloquent prayer ever prayed and not have it go any higher than the ceiling?

Sometimes we are filled with sin. Maybe it’s unforgiveness, or maybe it’s a sin we have never confessed. But that sin is like a barrier between God and us. It is like being on a phone call with God and having the battery go dead.

Maybe you’ve allowed some sin to work its way into your life, and it has brought your prayer life to a halt. If you want to reconnect with God again, then you will need to confess your sin. The Bible tells us that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).

I love the story of Enoch, who "walked with God; and he was not, for God took him" (Genesis 5:24). This simply means that every day, Enoch would get up and take a walk with God. Apparently he did this for many years. But one day God effectively said, "Enoch, we’re closer to My house than yours. Why don’t you come on home with Me?"

God wants a relationship with you, and prayer is communication with Him. It’s an ongoing conversation that you can have with Him all day, all afternoon, all night long—and all life long. Like Enoch, you can walk with God day in and day out, year in and year out, decade in and decade out. You can walk with God in your younger years, in your middle years, and in your older years.

And then one day the Lord will say, "Come on. We’re closer to My house than yours. Why don’t you come on home with Me?"

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