
The Power of Impartation

by Greg Laurie on Jun 9, 2008
"But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life."

Are you happy with the way that you are right now? Are there things in your life you would like to see dramatically altered?

Perhaps, like many other people, you make bold resolutions whenever a new year rolls around. You make plans regarding what changes you want to make in the coming year. But it’s not long until you have gone back on those great resolutions.

In the same way, as Christians we are often defeated in day-to-day living because we don’t really realize how many resources God has placed in our spiritual account. A lot of times we say, “God help me. God, give me this. God, give me that.” Meanwhile, God is saying, “Will you please go check your account? I have deposited more than you could ever use. Check it out.”

Can you imagine a soldier fighting a battle with no ammunition, while he was sitting on a bunker filled with thousands and thousands of rounds of ammo, more than he could use in a thousand wars? He has more than he needs right under him, but he is trying to fight the battle without the resources he has.

Our defeat in our battle with sin and temptation lies largely in our ignorance of the facts. In Jesus Christ there is power to live a new life and to no longer be under sin’s control. That power is not in imitation, because you can imitate Jesus all you want and try to be like Him. The power comes from impartation.

God has done something for you, and now it is for you to appropriate that divine provision.

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