The importance of reaching out during times of crisis can never be overestimated. The need for the gospel far exceeds the limitations as dictated by a global pandemic. Closing our physical doors might have been a setback for some, but for Harvest, it has been the opportunity of a lifetime. The door for gospel proclamation remains wide open, and many around the world got a chance not only to worship with us but bring others to the Lord through Harvest at Home.
One woman left us the following note:
I’m thankful for your Harvest at Home services. We’re showing them at the retirement community I work at so the residents can continue to worship on Sundays.
Writing from Arizona, another man told us how he reached his parents in an assisted living facility:
With COVID-19, I started watching Harvest at Home seriously, and I was able to visit my 92-year-old parents during lockdown. . . . I’ve gotten my dad to watch regularly. And during the second Sunday, he said, ‘When I say my prayers tonight, I’ll pray what Pastor Greg asked me to pray.’
Today? “Every Sunday, he is thrilled to watch Harvest at Home. I’m getting my whole family to watch it. Just really excited about what God is doing, with the number of people coming to Christ.”
And just like that, what started as an outreach to his family has turned into an evangelistic opportunity as the whole facility began tuning in to Harvest at Home weekly.
Can God use a pandemic to bring people hope and meaning? Yes! And thanks to the support of our faithful Harvest Partners, we’re able to reach people otherwise unreachable with the hope of the gospel message. People who would perhaps never step foot into a church building have experienced a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
When you make a year-end gift to Harvest Ministries, you support outreaches like Harvest at Home. Thank for your supporting evangelism in your world!
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Following Jesus is more than a one-time decision—it’s a daily walk. In this book, Greg Laurie explores the true meaning of discipleship and how you can experience a life of purpose, growth, and joy. Get your copy of Discipleship: The Road Less Taken with your donation today.
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