Harvest Crusade 2024 – Prayers

Let’s pray together for the Harvest Crusade!

Looking for God to move at the Harvest Crusade? Hoping for friends and loved ones to come to Christ? Submit your prayer requests through the form.

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Join Us In Prayer

Lord Jesus, please help Peggy and Padraig (Paddy). Help Peggy to heal from the trama and abuse that she’s suffered from for decades. Help her to strengthen and renew her faith in you lord Jesus.lord please help Padraig to turn away from drugs, crime, and violence and help him with his mental illness issues and heal him. Help them both lord Jesus.in your mighty name, amen.

Prayer for Praying to help people I care about who are in serious trouble

For healing, she is my sister, and she was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Also, that she would get closer to the Lord!!!

Prayer for Joyce

May you feel the loving presence of our Lord,turn towards him, and ask Jesus to come into your lives and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Love always, Mom

Prayer for Alicia and Kevin Roland

I’m praying for my family mother fathers and sisters and cousins to come to Christ and friends and the world

Prayer for Family

Please pray that my my 3 children and 3 grandchildren will come to Know Christ As Their Lord and Savior!!!

Prayer for Steven, Teddy, Franceska, Alyssa, Theo, Johnny

For God to keep them lazer focused in their walk and keep gus firm in his stand against his addiction and rebuke the enemy as he is trying to lie to them both!

Prayer for Gustavo and alexus

Prayer for salvation over his life and to place love upon him so that he can be a better loving father to his boys.

Prayer for Arturo H

For God to cover my sister with peace and love. Remove and hurt and pain from her childhood, marriage and the loss of out father.

Prayer for Misty B

Plz pray for my nephew Tony. He is an atheist, and wants nothing to do with the LORD. I won’t give up on him, knowing that the LORD can soften and change his heart.

Prayer for Tony H

Prayer for God to heal my moms cancer and keep my mom safe and healthy to meet her first grandchild, my son, who is due in December 2024. Please Let her heal and stay with us Lord, I need her more than ever before.

Prayer for Deanna

Both have Health Challenges. May they and their wives, Candace for Dick and Diane for Ron, look to our Lord Jesus Christ, God ?The Father of The Holy Bible for the Guidance & Strength.

Prayer for Dick & Ron

Dear Lord,
Please reach out to my Aunt Debby.
Her heart is so broken..
Her Son Ernie “Pokey” Phillips
Was murdered while house sitting for another family member during a home invasion.. leaving behind 3 absolutely beautiful children…
In Jesus name.. Amen

Prayer for Aunt Debby P

Lord, please touch Adrienne’s heart to help her let you in. She is studying your word diligently and has included her children at their request. We have been sharing our thoughts and believes, guide us as we continue forward. I know she will be a awesome disciple of your word and teachings and will help increase your followers. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Adrienne S

Lord Jesus please touch Justice’s heart so he may believe.

Prayer for Justice M

My son is 16 years old. He struggles with anger issues. He is so defiant and disrespectful. Only to me (mom), dad and his siblings! One minute he’s fine and the next second he’s angry! To his friends, teachers and strangers he is super sweet and nice! Thank you!

Prayer for Abraham R

I pray Heavenly Father that you would place your hedge of protection over the Harvest Crusade this year and everyone in attendance and may many souls be gathered and redeemed to your Kingdom by the mighty blood of Jesus this Harvest. Blessed be Your name! Amen.

Prayer for Everyone in attendance

Dear Jesus I pray for myself, to give me strength when you know that I just can’t go another day, it is hard to see my kids suffer due to my separation with their dad, I wish my kids knew how much I tried and sacrificed to keep our family intact, but it just wasn’t enough. It was violent and unsafe, yet I tried, now it is over but now my kids miss their dad, I don’t know how to cope with this sadness please help me God to bring my kids closer to you, I pray in Jesus name, AMEN.

Prayer for Myself

Please help me pray for my 2 children that have been through the most difficult past couple of years in their young lives, I pray that they find peace, joy and happiness and that they are able to overcome current/future hardships. I pray to give them courage and strength, that despite the differences with their dad and I, that they know that we love them and that we are sorry for all this, they never deserved this & We love them despite our mistakes and will pray to make a better life for them.

Prayer for Heidy and Miguel Jr, and Miguel

Pray for David to seek needed mental health treatment.

Prayer for David

Prayer for mental health HELP

Prayer for David

Prayers for the nation.

Prayer for America

I pray father god to bring peace to Juan R heart and remove any resentment, bitterness and any negative vibes he has stored inside his heart and let it go once and for all!

Prayer for Juan R

I pray for Irma Resendez to remain cancer free and bring peace to her heart.

Prayer for Irma Resendez



Father God, I thank you for healing my husband JOHN JAUREGUI from his Parkinson Diagnosis and giving him relief and the strength to use his two legs to walk without enduring excruciating pain and requiring medication and or assistance. THANK YOU for your miraculous miracles in healing his entire body from head to toe from any discomfort and pain.

Prayer for John Jauregui

I pray that Juanita Lopez accepts and recognizes that Jesus Christ is her Lord and Savior before she takes her last breath on this earth. My mother has been diagnosed with having stage 4 cancer and told she has 6 months to live. However, we all know that God is in control and we’re all in God’s mighty hands and it is His timing nobody else’s.

Prayer for Juanita Lopez (my mother)

I pray that pastor’s one of a kind, heartfelt preaching will soften and touch Maria’s heart and bring clarity; that it is our mighty GOD who is our HIGHER POWER and nobody else. May Maria be touched, convicted, and surrounded by the Holy Spirit while she is listening to the Harvest Crusade on Saturday and will accept and recognize that it is Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior and without repentance, accepting, JESUS CHRIST, that she will recognize that Heaven and Hell do exist.

Prayer for Maria O - Co-worker who is a non believer and does not believe that there is a Heaven or Hell. However, chooses to believe that we are on this earth to learn a lesson and believes in reincarnation.

Pray for Leslie to say “yes” when I ask her if she’d like to go to the harvest crusade.

Prayer for Leslie

Lord Jesus please place you healing hands on me and return me to good health. In your holly name Jesus I pray and ask for this healing. Amen

Prayer for Charlie

Please pray that God will bless my ministry and give me everything I need to accomplish his will

Prayer for Me(Jared Garcia)