Harvest Crusade 2024 – Prayers

Let’s pray together for the Harvest Crusade!

Looking for God to move at the Harvest Crusade? Hoping for friends and loved ones to come to Christ? Submit your prayer requests through the form.

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Join Us In Prayer

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for My Aunties, Cousins, Uncles, My Teachers, fellow students

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Cecila G, Sabrina A. Vanessa Z Edgar Jr, Juana G.

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Tapia Family, Ramirez Family, Sythe Family, Marlene, Jessica Suner

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Jesus R, Maria F, Mored T,Regino R, Magdenlo F

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Arisbeth, Aleen, Abrohan, Javier, Joshua

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for My mom Espie, Veronica V, AnaV T, Villasenor Family

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Kyle, Stephanie, Ryan, Chris, Nancy

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Maria F, Flora S, Barbara R, Daniel C, Anahi R.

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Brother Damon, Friend Alabama, Grandma Brenda, Aunt Heather, Friend Nathaniel

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for My Family, Ayana, Devon, Prisoners,

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Mark, Alex, Nick, Gina, Kim

For them to make a profession of faith. Or a Recommitment to Christ.

Prayer for John D, Gil, Richard Sr., Richard Jr., Krystal T., Tony S.

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Melissa<Leta<Christopher<Isaiah< Isaac<Chris

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Ivan,Mary, Gabriel, Marlene, Alex

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Williams Children

For them to make a profession of faith.

Prayer for Manuel, Omar L, Stacy R, Omar A

I was going to ask prayer for myself but I humbly feel the Holy spirit say for God’s children … We are in dark times and we need a ANOTHER OUT POUR OF HIS MIGHTY HAND OF REVIVAL AND THIS TIME GOING WORLD WIDE!

Prayer for All Gods children

That our son and only child who is a prodigal and once walked with the Lord will recognize the destructive lifestyle & relationship he is currently in and return to Jesus and his mother and I..we are utterly heartbroken by this transformation that began 4 years ago at age 20 …his life has taken a 180° turn with bad influences guiding him and we pray without ceasing that he returns to the Father and the truth he was raised in before it may be too late…thank you Lord Jesus.

Prayer for Noah G.

come to the Lord

Prayer for mark, james, billy, trever, john, sam

My ill family – a few might have cancer. My cousins – that they have faith. Kim – that she might come to fully know Christ. Brandon – that he finds God before joining the military. Todd – that he learns to rely on Christ not himself. Sandra – her journey as a stepmom and wife.

Prayer for My ill family - a few might have cancer. My cousins - that they have faith. Kim - that she might come to fully know Christ. Brandon - that he finds God before joining the military. Todd - that he learns to rely on Christ not himself. Sandra - her journey as a stepmom and wife.

Pray that we would be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. That we reach the harvest as one. One new man in Christ.
Praying that the gospel would be preached, heard and received in a life changing way, and that many names would put in the book of life.

Prayer for Thank Body of Jesus Christ

I pray he will continue to seek Jesus with me. I pray for Deliverance from all Bondage. Thank you in Jesus name.

Prayer for James (son)

Lord Jesus I pray that you continue to keep building the faith in me. Keep me on high mountains so I can see clearly. I want to live your way. Thank you lord for your blessings 🙌 keep me clean from harsh words n thoughts. ur way is my way lord. In ur sweet name 🙏 AMEN TY.

Prayer for Myself

Please pray for Kevin that he will believe and come to the Lord

Prayer for Kevin H

I would like prayers for restoration of my family. My family has fallen apart and I would love to start over with God’s guidance. I ask for forgiveness and grace. I ask to also help me seek God more and trust more.

Prayer for Chanelle and Jeromy

Pray for these prodigals to come back home to Jesus

Prayer for Isaac, Chris, Richard, Ashley, and Rachel

I have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost, but this world is so overwhelming at times I just hope and pray that God loves me enough to take me home with him when he comes I feel I am not worthy enough for that so please pray for me that I get a better relationship with God so I can go with him to his kingdom that he has prepared for me. I asked this in the mighty name of Jesus amen.

Prayer for Self & my family

To come to God my sister has lost the light and faith in Jesus she ran away at 10 years old and i was her when she was 23 later in life please pray

Prayer for Brenda M

Pray that they come to faith in Jesus.

Prayer for Dad (Eduardo), Trina, Jerry

I pray that my mother-in-law gets rest and peace in her life , I pray uncle Peter gets clean and go the right path and really gives Jesus his heart and last my sister in-law Norma she needs Jesus back in her heart take the depression and anger she holding on away from her lord Jesus please help my family

Prayer for My mother in law Cruz and uncle Peter and sister in-law Norma