
Book of Acts: The Upside Down Life, Part 2 | Harvest Groups

by Christopher Rodriguez on Jan 31, 2022


This is Part 2 of a Harvest-original series of studies in the book of Acts.

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Luke wrote the Book of Acts as a sequel to his Gospel to show the church’s early development and rapid growth. It reveals how the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit transforms a diverse group of ordinary people—fishermen, tax collectors, and others— into bold witnesses who radically alter their world. The book demonstrates the transformative power of Christ not only in individual lives but also in entire nations.

Beginning with Jesus’ ascension and the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the first half of the book describes the ministry of the apostles, especially Peter. We also see the establishment of the early church; the early internal growing pains and external persecution of the church; and the radical conversion of a religious man named Saul of Tarsus, who had made it his life’s work to hunt down, arrest, and execute Christians. Today we know him as the apostle Paul.

The Book of Acts offers three vital ingredients in the way God works: The Spirit of God works through the Word of God in the hearts of the people of God.

These first-century believers provide us with a rich heritage and example in a world that was not too different from ours; in some ways, it was much worse. They lived under the jurisdiction of the godless Roman Empire. Idolatry, spiritualism, and demon worship were openly practiced. Everywhere the early Christians went they were ridiculed, opposed, and persecuted for their beliefs. Yet within thirty years, the original 120 believers and their converts had changed the world through spreading the gospel message.

Here in Acts, we have a template to follow for the church today. We are wise to emulate it.


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Weight 3.8 oz
Dimensions 8.25 × 5.5 × 0.25 in

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